Thursday, May 13, 2010

Warriors of the NET REACTION

"For the first time in history people and machinery are working together, realizing a dream. A uniting force that knows no geographical boundaries. Without regard to race, creed or color. A new era where communication truly brings people together."

           Today, 14th of May 2010, we were able to watch an animated film about how an internet works. The internet is a very broad concept and the short video clip somehow clearly showed how a request for a URL or any information needed appears through the internet. 
           The internet is composed of a vast number of packets containing a specific URL or information. These packets are specifically labeled and travels through a lot of channels before we are able to connect or access it. The packets are screened to identify whether the information contained is a threat or is blocked. This is why sometimes we are unable to access a website since its packet is destroyed by the router or the firewall. The router also serves as a tool in sending the packet to a specific location where it is requested. 

           Although there are many processes involved in the internet, it does not really take much time because it will depend on the server. 

           I think that the video clip is very informative. I recommend this video for students or anyone for a better understanding of how an INTERNET works.

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