Monday, May 17, 2010

Electronic Health Record

 An electronic health record (EHR) (also electronic patient record or computerised patient record) is an evolving concept defined as a systematic collection of electronic health information about individual patients or populations. It is a record in digital format that is capable of being shared across different health care settings, by being embedded in network-connected enterprise-wide information systems. - Wikipedia

         Through the advancement of technology, health practitioners or health institutions are now capable of storing and sharing a patient's information in a fast pace through the use of interconnected computers. This provides them comprehensive data that includes demographics, medical history, medication and allergies, immunization status, lab results, billing information, and more data of the patient confined or not in the hospital. 

            Through the EHR, there will be an improved quality of care since it will help lessen medical errors that would greatly affect a patient's well-being. Health care providers will also be able to access the patient's data clearly and completely. With the manual recording, health care providers would still have to wait for their colleagues to finish reading through the data which takes a lot of time. Through the EHR, health care providers are able to save their and will be able to attend to the other patients without rush. 

            It is somehow helpful for the environment too since paper won't get involved much by then. But the use of EHR has also some disadvantages. This includes the costs since there should be extra training required for the health practitioners on how they are going to use the system and the purchasing of a bunch of computers would be expensive. For the continuity and the efficiency of the system, it will require a maintenance cost monthly which would in the later run become expensive since there are a lot of computers used in one institution.

              Another concern is the privacy of the information. The privacy and integrity of the data will be preserved through the strict rules and regulations of the institution. Over all, implementing the use of electronic health record would be beneficial in the health care setting.

Role of Technology in the Medication Process

According to a study, medication errors are frequent and that adverse drug events, or injuries due to drugs, occur more than necessary

          Now, there is actually a way to reduce such errors through the use of Information Technology. The use of Information Technology could reduce the rates of medication errors in hospitals. There are reasons why these errors occur. One good example is "committing mistakes in reading a physicians medicine prescription because of his handwriting". 

         This can be changed through the implementation of automated technologies in the medication process. The use of computers and other devices makes communication between the health care providers is much easier in terms of sharing, storing, and accessing health information. 

               There is a need to improve quality care by assuring that the health care providers have accurate and timely information. This is possible through the use of computers. Through electronic prescription, physicians are able to send prescriptions to the pharmacy department electronically. 

This helps: 

  • avoid mistakes due to your doctor’s handwriting or your pharmacist’s misreading of your doctor’s prescription abbreviations.
  • avoid harmful drug interactions by letting your doctor know that the drugs being ordered may interact with a medication you are already taking

  • allows your doctor to see what medications are on your health plan’s drug formulary to make sure the drug being ordered is covered
  Source: Health Information Technology (

With the advancement of technology in this era, it is such a relief to find out that there is a solution to address medication errors to improve the quality of care and patient satisfaction.


Sunday, May 16, 2010

Nursing Informatics

"Computers are incredibly fast, accurate and stupid. Human beings are incredibly slow, inaccurate and brilliant. Together they are powerful beyond imagination." - Albert Einstein

    Nursing informatics results from integrating the triad of computer, information and nursing sciences. The use of computers in different disciplines have become so rampant more so for the NURSES in this century. Nurses should become computer literate to be a specialist in nursing informatics. Nurses use computers with the aim of improving the nursing care from present to the future. 

    The passion of nursing is to provide exceptional care and I think it is just proper that we engage ourselves in a new era of providing care with the use of computers for a more accurate and efficient job. Dealing with lives is never easy and so we need all tools to support our work and computers have a very big impact in this mission. 

   The use of computers in the nursing field is an innovative way to improve patient satisfaction when it comes to the services of the health institution particularly the health care providers involved in the care for the patient.

   In the Philippine setting, we all wish for a big change in the health sector. But the acquisition of computers especially in the public sector would far become a priority these days. Most nurses in the country can offer the best care they can possibly give but the efficiency of doing the process is greatly affected as of now because of the lack of resources considering the number of patients that nurses have to attend to. 

 Our country has so much to improve yet especially in the health care setting. But slowly we can improve for a more promising future especially in the nursing field. As students, I can encourage everyone to become computer literate and inculcate it with the knowledge and skills in nursing.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Warriors of the NET REACTION

"For the first time in history people and machinery are working together, realizing a dream. A uniting force that knows no geographical boundaries. Without regard to race, creed or color. A new era where communication truly brings people together."

           Today, 14th of May 2010, we were able to watch an animated film about how an internet works. The internet is a very broad concept and the short video clip somehow clearly showed how a request for a URL or any information needed appears through the internet. 
           The internet is composed of a vast number of packets containing a specific URL or information. These packets are specifically labeled and travels through a lot of channels before we are able to connect or access it. The packets are screened to identify whether the information contained is a threat or is blocked. This is why sometimes we are unable to access a website since its packet is destroyed by the router or the firewall. The router also serves as a tool in sending the packet to a specific location where it is requested. 

           Although there are many processes involved in the internet, it does not really take much time because it will depend on the server. 

           I think that the video clip is very informative. I recommend this video for students or anyone for a better understanding of how an INTERNET works.

Why I ♥ the INTERNET

"Convenient searching and shopping"

I remember when I was young and I had no idea of what an INTERNET is. I heard a lot from many of how amazing the internet is and that it is an effective tool for communicating.

I was in high school when I began using the internet. I used the internet almost on a daily basis and I just got so into it. Not that I'm addicted to it. I'm just amazed of how the internet can help me so much.
And most of all, the internet has an enormous available information accessible for everyone. This way, my assignments are a lot easier now to do with just one click.

Then after some time, I found out that I can actually shop through the internet. It's just so convenient. All I have to do is just sit, search, and buy through online shopping. No more struggle in forming a line and I don't have to get tired looking for some interesting stuffs.

The INTERNET was created for the primary purpose of communication at first.  Then after years of improvisation, people around the world are now able to send messages no matter how far in just one click instantly. That's what I call WOW! and CONVENIENCE! And then, I am able to talk with my friends or family relatives who are quite far through CHATTING and see them through a WEB CAM. It only takes about a few seconds to receive their replies. Well, that depends upon the connection that people would have. Fortunately, mine's pretty fast. ^_^

I just love the internet! It makes my life easier and more fun! :))